Jamaican Culture


The cul­ture of Jamaica reflects that of a rich and unique her­itage. Most Jamaicans are descen­dants of the negro slaves trans­ported from West Africa. These negro slaves brought their super­sti­tions, mythol­ogy, leg­ends, and cus­toms, which were later influ­enced by out­side forces. The fab­ric of the Jamaican cul­ture is there­fore mixed with a strong African design inter­wo­ven with var­ied strands of Euro­pean origin.

Most local hotels give a peek at the Jamaican cul­ture through their ser­vice, food, and enter­tain­ment. You may also expe­ri­ence parts of the cul­ture in your every­day encounter with the peo­ple. In addi­tion, the national cel­e­bra­tions of Eman­ci­pa­tion, Inde­pen­dence and Heroes’ Day often are the show­cases for our culture.

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